Thursday, August 22, 2013

When we least expect it. It happens.

Where we belong is often where we least expect it to find ourselves. A place that we may have willed to ourselves to forget but the heart remembers forever.
You can forget everyone that once entered your life in a blink of an eye. You can forget about the whole picture of your miserable past. You can forget all that. You can always try and succeed. In your mind but not in your heart. Because heart recognizes every single tiny of your memories and it will again bring you to the past.
No people can actually really forget about something. Me neither.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Every thing that you do it has it own reason.

Segalanya berlaku tanpa dirancang. Walaupun segala yang terbaik telah dilakukan tapi kita tak akan pernah dapat mengelak dari menerima hakikat bahawa mereka tidak akan pernah cuba nampak dan faham apa yg sedang dilakukan. Kadang kadang diri sendiri pun tidak memahami kenapa kita masih bersikap sedemikian. Tidak semua orang suka apa yang kita lakukan. Dan tidak semua orang menganggap kita melakukan perkara yang bodoh. Cuma hidup memang susah diertikan. Walaupun kita cuba yang terbaik dalam segala aspek.
Seperti aku yang cuba untuk tidak akan menghabiskan minuman yang ada di depan mata ketika berborak dengan yang tersayang. Simply means if you finished your drink fast perhaps the time is longer with them because you have a reason to stay longer with the loved ones. What ever you do you have to find the reasons why. The reason why you want to stop at a shop or petrol station to fill up your tank before you sent your loved ones home, the reason why you ask so much, the reason why you watch his/her favourite movies, the reason why you accidentally left something that is yours in that person's house, why you never sleep untill that person fall asleep. It take reasons. If you don't have one, maybe you don't want to be there.
And I have my own reasons. I want to be there. Beside the person I love.

You don't want to be in my shoes. You won't fit.