Saturday, July 24, 2010

tick tock

Nurul Afiqah Binti Abu Shah Sudah Tidak Wujud

tazkirah pagi

sesungguhnya saudaramu yang jujur ialah yang selalu bersamamu,
yang bersedia mengorbankan dirinya untuk dirimu......
dan orang yang apabila zaman berganti,tidak memutuskan hubungan denganmu ,
sekalipun bercerai denganmu,rasa persahabatan tetap untukmu...

this is it

cukuplah kau dah lalui semua itu. tidak ada lagi pusingan kedua. kali ini juga aku akan hilangkan semua yang sudah dilalui itu. aku tidak tahu apalagi makna minta maaf itu. minta maaf hanya kata-kata. tak pernah pun diterima kemaafan aku terhadap kesalahan yang telah aku lakukan.kadang-kadang aku rasa pernah sekali menyesal kerana minta maaf. sebab maaf yang dipinta itu dianggap aku tidak pernah serius pun memintanya. orang kata hati kita akan remuk kalau melihat orang yang kita sayang bahagia dengan orang lain. tapi hati dan jiwa kita akan lagi perit bila orang yang kita sayang itu tidak bahagia bersama kita. janganlah kau salahkan diri sendiri. aku terlalu mencuba untuk kekalkan sesuatu itu. keteguhan itu. tapi aku lupa satu perkara aku hanya mencuba tidaklah aku menyelesaikan masalah itu sebenarnya. jadi ianya adalah salah aku. aku patut gembira bila tengok kau bahagia dengan kehidupan sekarang. bukanlah melemparkan tohmahan. bukanlah meletakkan apa-apa andaian yang negatif. bukanlah mengongkong kehidupan kau. aku patut banyak memerhati sebenarnya.aku patut berdiam diri sebenarnya supaya dengan itu.aku lebih memahami apa yang kau rasakan.

*maafkan aku..

Thursday, July 22, 2010

my curiousity

why you don't even care to say hello?
why i never heard of you when i have something big happened?
you don't even ask about me either?

what it is?
i don't know how to explain of any particular reason why you do this, what kind of relationship is this?
forgive me, i just have been thinking about this fucking things that crosses my mind for the past few months.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

happy birthday ya ukhti

tak pernah terlambat untuk aku ucapkan selamat hari jadi pada diri aku sendiri.

everyone akan berharap macam2 untuk hari jadi dia.mereka akan terasa kalau ada dikalangan orang terpenting tidak memberi ucapan selamat hari jadi kepada mereka. tapi aku ok je. tak ada masalah.aku cuba jadi seriang yang boleh.walaupun parents aku terlupa untuk wish aku.pada aku sudah cukup indah mereka melahirkan aku.mereka terlupa hanya kerana mereka sibuk mencari rezeki untuk aku.dan aku tidak kisah tentang itu, but i totally absolutely completely tak boleh jadi bergitu riang. hari ini aku sambut hari jadi berseorangan di bilik sambil teguk minuman 2 tin coca cola. macam drug je kepada aku tin2 itu. tapi aku lupa.untuk bersujud kepadaNya.itulah yang terpenting.memanjatkan rasa kesyukuran dilahirkan di muka bumi ini dengan penuh kesempurnaan dan pelbagai kasih sayang. apa yang lagi aku nak dalam hidup ni? tak guna mengeluh.tak guna membebel.tak guna melahirkan rasa ketidak puasan hati. just live a life. jadilah seperti layang-layang yang tak akan putus talinya.kalau semata-mata ingin bebas dan kamu memutuskan layang-layang itu dari talinya maka kebebasan itu dapat dirasa tapi tidak berkekalan sebab akhirnya layang-layang itu akan tersadai juga dimana-mana. lebih baik berada pada talinya.kebebasan itu sedikit tapi masih boleh dirasa.asalkan tak lari dari talinya.tidak lari dari pegangan hidup pegangan islam.pegangan seorang hamba terhadap Yang Maha Pencipta. kenapa kita nak jadi generasi lembik.generasi Y. generasi yang terlalu banyak complain. dah lah generasi kita tidak ada apa-apa sumbangan terhadap dunia.hanya tahu disogok sahaja. apa - apa pun. terima kasih pada mereka yang mengucapkan ulangtahun kelahiran pada aku.

may Allah beside you..

what to do..

Thursday, July 15, 2010

kamu perlu baca ini..

aku jumpa ini di blog ini. kamu akan jumpa sesuatu yang sangat berbaloi di akhir perbualan ini.aku tahu ia sangat panjang tapi ianya sangat please do read this till the end.

A Conversation for Introduction To Philosophy students - enjoy

An Atheist Professor of Philosophy was speaking to his Class on the Problem
Science has with GOD , the ALMIGHTY. He asked one of his New
Students to stand and . . .

Professor :Do you Believe in GOD ?
Student : Absolutely, sir.
Professor : Is GOD Good ?
Student : Sure.
Professor : Is GOD ALL - POWERFUL ?
Student : Yes.
Professor : My Brother died of Cancer even though he prayed to GOD to heal
him. Most of us would attempt to help others who are ill. But GOD didn't.
How is this GOD good then? Hmm?

(Student was silent )

Professor : You can't answer, can you ? Let's start again, Young fella.
Is GOD Good?
Student : Yes.
Professor : Is Satan good ?
Student : No.
Professor : Where does Satan come from ?
Student : From . . . GOD . . .
Professor : That's right. Tell me son, is there evil in this world?
Student : Yes.
Professor : Evil is everywhere, isn't it ? And GOD did make everything.
Student : Yes.
Professor : So who created evil ?

(Student did not answer)

Professor : Is there Sickness? Immorality? Hatred? Ugliness? All these
terrible things exist in the world, don't they?
Student : Yes, sir.
Professor : So, who created them ?

(Student had no answer)

Professor : Science says you have 5 senses you use to identify and observe
the world around you. Tell me, son . . . Have you ever seen GOD?
Student : No, sir.
Professor : Tell us if you have ever heard your GOD?
Student : No , sir.
Professor : Have you ever felt your GOD, tasted your GOD , smelt your GOD ?
Have you ever had any sensory perception of GOD for that matter?
Student : No, sir. I'm afraid I haven't.
Professor : Yet you still believe in HIM?
Student : Yes.
Professor : According to empirical, testable, demonstrable protocol, science
says your GOD doesn't exist. What do you say to that, son?
Student : Nothing. I only have my faith.
Professor : Yes, faith. And that is the problem science has.

Student asks and professor answers
Student : Professor, is there such a thing as heat?
Professor : Yes.
Student : And is there such a thing as cold?
Professor : Yes.
Student : No, sir. There isn't..

(The Lecture Theatre became very quiet with this turn of events )

Student : Sir, you can have lots of heat, even more heat, superheat, mega
Heat, white Heat, a little heat or no heat. But we don't have anything
called cold. We can hit 458 degrees below zero which is no heat, but we
can't go any further after that. There is no such thing as cold. Cold is
only a word we use to describe the absence of heat. We cannot measure
cold. Heat is energy. Cold is not the opposite of heat, sir, just the
absence of it.

(There was pin-drop silence in the Lecture Theatre )

Student : What about darkness, Professor? Is there such a thing as darkness?
Professor : Yes. What is night if there isn't darkness?
Student : You're wrong again, sir. Darkness is the absence of something.
You can have low light, normal light, bright light, flashing light . . but if
you have no light constantly, you have nothing and its called darkness,
isn't it? In reality, darkness isn't. If it is, you would be able
to make darkness darker, wouldn't you?

Professor : So what is the point you are making, Young Man ?
Student : Sir, my point is your Philosophical premise is
Professor : Flawed ? Can you explain how?
Student : Sir, you are working on the premise of duality. You argue there is
life and then there is death, a Good GOD and a Bad GOD. You are viewing the
concept of GOD as something finite, something we can measure. Sir, science
can't even explain a thought. It uses electricity and magnetism, but has
never seen, much less fully understood either one. To view death as the
opposite of life is to be ignorant of the fact that death cannot exist as a
substantive thing. Death is not the opposite of life: just the absence of
it. Now tell me, Professor, do you teach your students that they evolved
from a monkey?
Professor : If you are referring to the natural evolutionary process, yes,
of course, I do.

Student : Have you ever observed evolution with your own eyes, sir?

(The Professor shook his head with a smile, beginning to realize where the
argument was going)

Student : Since no one has ever observed the process of evolution at work
and cannot even prove that this process is an on-going endeavor, are you not
teaching your opinion, sir? Are you not a scientist but a preacher?

(The class was in uproar )

Student : Is there anyone in the class who has ever seen the professor's

(The class broke out into laughter)

Student : Is there anyone here who has ever heard the Professor's brain,
felt it, touched or smelt it? . . .No one appears to have done so. So, according to the established rules of empirical, stable, demonstrable protocol, Science says that you have no brain, sir. With all due respect, sir, how do we then trust your lectures,sir?

(The room was silent. The Professor stared at the student, his face

Professor : I guess you'll have to take them on faith, son.
Student : That is it sir . . . exactly ! The link between MAN & GOD is
FAITH. That is all that keeps things alive and moving.

That student was Albert Einstein.

will you be there?

hold me like a river jordan
and i would say to thee you are my Friend
Carry me like you are my brother
love like my mother
will you be there?

weary tell me will you hold me
when wrong you will scold me
when lost, will you find me?
but they told me
a man should be faithful
and walk when not able
and fight till the end
But I am only HUMAN

i will never ever let go of this kind of thang...

manusia disekeliling aku sentiasa menyuruh aku berfikir secara optimist looking at the brightside. memang bukan senang untuk menyuruh otak aku ini untuk berfikir secara positifnya.sangat sukar.perlukan masa berzillion tahun. kadang-kadang aku rasa aku seorang sahaja yang berada pada zaman flinstone dan beberapa hari ini aku rase aku berada pada zaman kanak-kanak aku pada masa aku sanagt sukakan rancangan kartun kegemaran aku Tom and Jerry.dan sampai sekrang aku rasa tak ada kartun yang dapat lawan Tom and Jerry dan Toy storry. mungkin bagi aku mereka ini ada sentimental value dalam diri aku.yes. orang akan cakap oh puhlease kau suke benda-benda least aku ada benda ini yang boleh buat aku rasa positif memikirkan aku ada zaman kanak-kanak yang sangat best cool dan upadated. but now apa yang membuatkan aku rasa macam aku berada dizaman batu adalah masing-masing, mereka mencari sesuatu yang and so on and so forth. everything need to updated. aku pulak masih menonton filem grease, gone with the wind, toy story armegeddon,almost famous dan etc. mereka membuatkan aku rasa aku tiada kehendak untuk berfikiran positif sebab mereka tak pernah berfikiran positif tentang yang aku minati.segalanya hanyalah akan membuatkan aku ketinggalan.oh come on. syukur aku belajar conservation of biology. aku rasa aku akan habiskan masa aku bersama binatang dan hilang segala kredibiliti aku untuk handle manusia lagi selepas ini.sebab binatang tak akan marah kamu, tak akan maki kamu, tak akan cakap buruk pasal kamu.and all the s**t thinngs yang human akan buat tapi binatag tak akan buat kat aku.unless they will kill me. but human bunuh aku secara rohani dan jiwa aku. mereka sentiasa rasa yang mereka above anything else yang ada di bumi ini.mereka yang fikirkan pasal diri sendiri.tidak akan fikir pasal perkara lain pun. dan kadang-kadang aku bagi harapan pada manusia supaya mereka tidak lagi bersikap begini.dan harapan pada aku juga.supaya aku boleh terus berfikiran positif. i want to see the glass that is half full but not half empty. cuba untuk menggumbirakan hati ini. and aku suka suasana disini.lebih senyap dan aku ada masa untuk bersendirian. kehijauan menyenangkan aku.